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The most important health benefits for Arjuna?

 Arjuna is a homegrown tree. The Latin name of it is Terminalia arjuna. This homegrown plant has the properties which have the quality to adjust all the three doshas-Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. It is a deciduous evergreen tree that develops at a tallness of 100 feet in an all-through wet, boggy, sub-Himalayan districts of India and Sri Lanka. The blossoms of this homegrown tree are white or yellow in shading which fills in bunches and the leaves are cone-formed. The thick bark of the Arjuna tree sheds once a year and is reaped when the tree is fully grown.

What is the Classification of Arjuna

  • Realm – Plantae
  • Family – Combretaceae (Combretums)
  • Species – Terminalia arjuna

What are the Medicinal Properties that Make Arjuna Beneficial?

  • Heart tonic
  • Calming
  • Cancer prevention agent
  • Pain-relieving
  • Cardioprotective
  • Antiarrhythmic
  • Wound mending
  • Against joint
  • Acid neutralizer
  • Antiulcerogenic
  • Mucolytic
  • Hostile to heftiness
  • Neutralizing agent
  • Antitumor
  • Antihyperglycemic
  • Hostile to ischemic
  • Cardiovascular Stimulant
  • Antianginal
  • Hostile to atherogenic
  • Inotropic (adjusts the speed or power of muscle withdrawals)
  • Antihyperlipidemic
  • Hostile to thrombotic
  • Antihypertensive
  • Antihemorrhagic
  • Hostile to osteoporotic
  • Hostile to viral (particularly herpes infection)

The Other Names of Arjuna are

  • English Name-Arjun tree, Arjunolic Myrobalan
  • Hindi and Bengali Name-Arjun
  • Manipuri Name-Maiyokpha
  • Telgu Name-Tella Maddi
  • Marathi Name-Sadar

What are the Ayurvedic Medicinal Properties of Arjuna?

  • Rasa (Taste) – Kashaya (Astringent)
  • Guna (Qualities) – Rooksha (Dryness), Laghu (Lightness)
  • Vipaka – Katu-Undergoes impactful taste transformation later absorption
  • Veerya – Sheeta – cold strength

What are the Ayurvedic advantages of Arjuna?

  • Pittakapha Vrana-Helps in the alleviation of ulcers which are because of Pitta and Kapha awkwardness
  • Medora-Helpful in decreasing fat and deals with the cholesterol level
  • Mahara-Beneficial in diabetes
  • Hrudroga-Useful in heart problem
  • Bhaga – Heals the crack
  • Kata-accommodating in wounds
  • Kashayahara – Beneficial in ongoing respiratory problem, i.e TB-Tuberculosis
  • Shramahara – Relives sluggishness, exhaustion
  • Trushnahara – Relives thirst
  • Arijit-Helps with the draining problem

Remedial Indications of Arjuna Herb

  • Dyslipidemia
  • Coronary conduit sickness
  • Cardiovascular breakdown
  • Hypercholesterolemia
  • Angina pectoris
  • Arrhythmia (particularly utilized for Tachycardia)
  • Hemorrhages
  • Edema because of coronary illness
  • Asthma
  • Leucorrhea
  • Stoutness
  • Bone cracks
  • Low bone mineral thickness
  • Osteoporosis
  • Ongoing poor quality fever related with weariness and shortcoming
  • General shortcoming and Fatigue
  • Hack related with shortcoming and weariness
  • Acid reflux
  • Gastritis
  • Peptic ulcers
  • Diarrhea
  • Draining heaps
  • Consuming sensation in pee
  • Urinary lot diseases
  • Pyuria
  • Metrorrhagia
As we probably are aware Arjuna is one of the enchanted spices which has been utilized for ages because of its over-burden therapeutic properties. We should talk about not many of its advantages and its utilization in it.

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terminalia arjuna

Battles Damage from Free Radicals And Inflammation

Arjuna has cancer prevention agents and mitigating properties which makes it accommodating to battle against the harmful impacts of free extremists. The free extremists can harm DNA and cells and that are ensnared in the maturing system. It likewise prompts sicknesses like diabetes, malignant growth, and coronary illness.

Ensures The Heart

Arjuna spice is a notable cardiotonic because its properties of it support the heart capacity, fix and recuperate the cardiovascular injury or injury. It is likewise useful to individuals who've had respiratory failures or angina. The utilization of this spice works on the indications of cardiovascular breakdown, blockage, a condition where the heart can't siphon as expected.

Battles Lipid Disorders

The utilization of Arjuna spice helps in overseeing and controlling the elevated cholesterol and fatty substance level. The cancer prevention agent and mitigating properties of the spice help to support cholesterol digestion.


Windedness is typically the grievance or endured by one who has tight coronary conduits and the stockpile of oxygen to the heart diminishes and it is with the heart patients. Terminalia arjuna has the quality to decrease restriction of the veins by treating irritation. It additionally diminishes the stored plaque in the veins, subsequently, it is useful in breathing issues.

Angina Pectoris

The powder made of Arjuna Bark has Antianginal and Cardioprotective properties. The spice decreases the systolic circulatory strain and builds a great cholesterol level.

Hemorrhages and Bleeding Disorders

The presence of astringent substances in Arjuna bark makes it an enemy of hemorrhagic, which assists with capturing the draining and treating hemorrhages. Arjuna spice is normally utilized in Ayurveda for treating draining problems with a blend of different spices.

Bone Fractures

The glue made of Arjuna Bark is utilized and is gainful in the bone crack. The Sadhana property of Arjuna makes it supportive in bone breaks. The utilization of bark powder is rehashed double a day until recuperation.

Ongoing Low-Grade Fever

The Ksheera Pak arranged from Arjuna bark is utilized for the therapy of ongoing poor quality fever which is associated with outrageous weariness and actual shortcoming. At the point when given with the mix of different spices it battles against contaminations and fever. It likewise decreases the weariness and shortcoming in the body and reestablishes the actual strength.

Looseness of the bowels

Terminalia arjuna is exceptionally useful in treating looseness of the bowels when given in blend with different spices. This spice lessens draining in stools, the recurrence of poop, and destroys the disease.

Wounds and Skin Ulcers

The decoction produced using the bark of Terminalia arjuna is utilized for washing wounds and skin ulcers. The utilization of the spice kills microorganisms, and advances wound mending.

Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation (IMR)

Terminalia arjuna diminishes the Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation (IMR) and angina torment. It likewise works on the E/A proportion, which shows the improvement in the capacity of the left ventricle of the heart.


Terminalia arjuna spice has hostile to atherogenic and hypolipidemic properties which makes it valuable in diminishing aggravation of the veins and the antihyperlipidemic activity of the spice lets down the serum grouping of absolute cholesterol. It likewise decreases the atherogenic record.

Spice is utilized in many structures

Powder - 1 to 3 gm two times or threefold in a day as directed by the doctor.

Decoction - 50-100 ml as directed by the doctor.

There is no secondary effect and can be taken by pregnant and lactating moms in the direction of the doctor.
